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An ordinance amending ordinance No. 2 (series of 1995), to allow the permit committee members to approve or to deny building permit applications and to perform inspections as per permit specifications, for the establishment of set fees for specific permits and a means for public viewing or approved building permits at building sites.



Section 1: Members of the Permit Committee are hereby given the authority to receive Building Permit Applications, for which they may approve or disapprove. If deemed necessary by the Permit Committee Members, they may refer an application

Section 2: Members of the Permit Committee are hereby given the authority to perform on site inspections in order to verify compliance as established in the original permit document.


Building Permit Fees: Effective March 13, 2023 by Resolution 2023-2


New Home-----------------------$ 300.00

Mobile/Modular Home-------- $ 100.00

Additional Room(s) ----------- $ 50.00 each

Double Garage----------------  $ 100.00

Single Garage-----------------  $ 50.00

Storage Shed (16'x20' or less) $ 30.00

Storage Shed (16'x20' or mores) $ 50.00

Deck, Cement Patio, Cement/Asphalt

Driveway,------------------------- $ 30.00

Fence--------------------------- $ 25.00


Storage Containers----------$ 50.00 (Limit 1)

Business/Commercial-------- 1% of total construction cost


Section 4: A “BUILDING PERMIT” notice will be provided by the Town of Peetz upon application approval and will be required to be posted in a visible manner for public viewing during the construction period, or until permit application expires, which ever comes first. The expiration date and permit number will be included on the posting notice.

Section 5: Should a permit expire prior to construction completion, a 30 day grace period may be granted by the Permit Committee with no fees assessed. Unfinished construction requiring more than 30 days to complete, will be assessed the original fee. Prior to any further construction, this additional fee will be required.



The Town requires residents who have a swimming pool 8 ft. by 2 ft. or larger to purchase an annual swimming pool permit for $25.00 payable to Town of Peetz. Please fill out the permit form and submit payment at the Town Hall early in the season.  Failure to acquire a permit can be subject to a fine of $100 added to your utility bill.


Purchase of a permit comes with a backflow valve to prevent pool water from flowing back into the Town's water supply.





The Town of Peetz currently has all sewer mains cleaned professionally on an annual basis; cost is approximately $1.50 per foot. Emergency work, which occurs approximately one to two times per year, is performed at a cost of $115.00 per hour. The town sewer system runs into three lagoons located on the north side of town.

A lagoon system is maintained by evaporative action; therefore, certain items placed in the sewer system may cause this natural form of action to work inefficiently, resulting in potential problems for both the town and residents as well as potential clogging of residential lines, which are the property owner's responsibility. A list of restriction’s follows, in order to maintain an efficient sewer system and to defer unnecessary expenses and inconveniences that carelessness may result from:


Petroleum products - Fertilizers - Brake cleaner - Carburetor cleaner - Strong chemical cleaners - Cooking oil/grease - Herbicides - Toxins - Nail polish remover - Tampon applicators - Floor wax stripper - Pesticides - Plastics - Diapers - Paper towels - Floor wax - Handy wipes/ baby wipes - Solvents - Antifreeze - Strong acids - Sanitary napkins - Dryer sheets


The Town's water supply comes from two wells, one located just north of Town and the other located east of the railroad tracks near the Coop Elevator.  The Railroad Well is a secondary well that only kicks on during periods of high water usage.  This well sometimes has small amounts of arsenic in the water, which is then mixed with the Main Well, which is still below the State of Colorado standards for arsenic, reducing the parts per million.  The amount of arsenic in the Peetz water supply is not harmful to most humans or animals.  If you are immune compromised, pregnant, or have an infant in your household, check with your doctor for his/her recommendations.  Notifications of the presence of arsenic are mailed to all residents. 

In May of 2022, CGRS, Inc. installed a media system at the Railroad Well to remove enough arsenic from the water to meet state compliance.  Following one year of arsenic testing without any violations, the well is now fully functional and the drinking water is at a safe level for consumption.


The Town's water tower is in violation of the annual Sanitary Survey by Colorado Department of Health and Education; thus, repairs to correct the violation are scheduled.  Maguire Iron Inc. has been contracted to do the necessary work, which was scheduled to being in the spring of 2024.  This work has been delayed until August.  Beginning August 5, watering restrictions have been applied to all residents as follows:

Odd House Numbers - Mon-Wed-Fri

Even House Numbers - Tue-Thu-Sat

No watering on Sundays.

Violation of the restrictions may result in utility services being disconnected at the resident's expense.

These restrictions will be in place until further notice.


Rules and Regulations covering the Peetz Cemetery are for the mutual protection of all plot owners and the Town of Peetz, and to insure the cemetery a uniform and permanent beauty.


All plot owners, visitors, volunteers, persons working directly or indirectly for lot owners and all lots sold shall be subject to these rules and regulations, amendments or alterations as shall be adopted by the Town of Peetz from time to time. Pursuant to Resolution 2024-4, dated August 8, 2024, the price for cremation open/close shall be $350.


The cemetery is owned and managed by the Town of Peetz with the exception of the designated section to the south owned and managed by the Sacred Heart Catholic Church.


The Town of Peetz offers NO perpetual care for the Peetz Cemetery. All work is done on a volunteer basis. Should need arise, however, the town may authorize maintenance personnel for specific duties.


Applications for the purchase of cemetery lots or burial spaces must be made at the office of the Town of Peetz where plats showing size, location and description of all lots and the schedule of prices will be kept on file. The Town Board shall have the authority to fix the purchase price of a plot at $100.  


No foundations/monuments shall be placed between May 27th and June 1st or during freezing weather.


No exterior grave borders of any material, or cement slab over the grave shall be permitted.


Temporary markers or ornaments shall not be used.


The Town Board shall have the power to reject any plan or design for any memorial, which on account of size, design, inscription, or kind of quality of stone, in their opinion is unsuited to the lot on which it is to be placed.


Decoration of Lots

The Town shall not be held liable for lost, misplaced or broken flower vases, or for damage by the elements, thieves, vandals or by causes beyond its control. The Town Board reserves the right to regulate the method of decorating lots and the right to remove any decoration so that a uniform beauty may be maintained.



Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2012-1, the Town of Peetz requires all dog owners to license their pets annually at the following rates:


First Male or Spayed Female ......................$5.00

Second male or spayed female .................. $8.00

First unspayed female ................................ $8.00

Second unspayed female ......................... $13.00

Third or subsequent ................................. $25.00


The Town needs a copy of your pets' rabies vaccine records on file. 


The Town coordinates with Creekside Animal Hospital each spring to provide a pet clinic.  Watch for dates and times. 


Cats are not required to be licensed.  The Town discourages the feeding of feral cats.





The price for Bulk Water from Town of Peetz will increase, effective January 1 2023, as follows:


  • Commercial:  $25 per 1000 gallons – Weekdays, $30 per 1000 gallons – Weekends

Commercial users drawing large quantities of water are required to supply an overhead gravity tank to fill trucks from a fire hydrant.  Users are required to use the Town’s backflow equipment for a rental charge.

Commercial users are required to complete a water permit at the Town Hall prior to use.


  • Agricultural/Household:  $17 per 1000 gallons

Agricultural/Household users will be required to complete a one-time water permit at the Town Hall prior to use in 2023.


Anyone wanting to purchase water from the Town of Peetz, needs to come to the Town Hall during regular business hours to complete a permit form, or request that the form be sent to you by email and returned before purchasing bulk water.






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